Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Well the weather finally cooled off. Now we can go hiking in the day instead of having to wake up so early in the morning. Axel has so much fun when we go. I think that he is half mt. goat, he would run everywhere. He would go places that at one point I thought that I was going to have to get rock climbing gear! We had a great day that day.....I hope there are more to come.
The Hoopes' Family

Jesson had to climb up and get Axel out of this little hole. He loves to climb in them. Hahaha! Looks like he is smiling huh?!

I thought that this was awesome. I wanted to climb up it, but it is best that I didn't.......I would have probably hurt something. hehehehehehehehe.


Fawsons said...

Oh, I miss the red rocks! :( This is Bridgett by the way, my blog is: jbfawson.blogspot.com

Emilee said...

oh i miss you! and by the way your new haircut is super cute!

sarahgibby said...

I love these pictures! You guys look awesome. Especially you Axel!!