well i title this blog today christmas in march, well as you can see jesson got a gun and a new gun case! i have never seen him so happy. his new gun case holds two rifles and one pistol and a lot more. i have never seen one with so many pockets. he still hasn't got to shoot his gun.....you know what i will be doing this week. but i really don't mind, the weather here is so nice right now.....i think that it was in the 70's today and all the trees are starting to grow back their leaves and the flowers are all coming out.......wow i am so glad that i live here right now. we have a guest bedroom if you need to get some sunshine! for all you still in the snow and cold i do not envy you but give me like two months and i will be saying different! well hope all is well, love and miss you all!
The Hoopes'
my husband would be jealous of that gun stuff jesson got. are we do an other dinner soon. monday's and tuesday work best for me.
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